Most people would struggle to live without the internet and their mobile phones – it provides us with lots of interesting and useful information, it’s also a great way to connect and keep in touch with people.

But it’s not always easy to know what’s safe information and what’s not.

Sometimes you can be tricked into clicking dangerous or harmful links or share personal information such as financial details. Things that you’ve shared might also be used to fraudulent purposes or can create problems for you in the future for example when you are applying for a job.


For more information on staying safe online please see below

Get Safe Online

Support to stay online with safety and confidence.

Action Fraud

National fraud and cyber-crime reporting centre. Victim resources and useful information.

Call: 0300 123 2040

Age UK

Tips for staying safe online for older people.


Provides information on staying safe online and getting the balance right between your online and offline life.


Find out more about staying safe when meeting up. It’s important to be sure that the person you’re meeting is who they say they are.